Legal statements

You are connected to the site, published by S.A. TEKNIMED
Siret no.: 352 949 960 00038

Publication manager:

TEKNIMED Communication Team

Hosting and :
APE activity code: 7022Z – RCS Pau 482 107 638


No personal data will be collected without the user’s knowledge.

The information collected via the online customer data form or directly from the website are exclusively for internal use by the company TEKNIMED and for the purpose of improving customer relations. The customer personal data will be automatically processed and may be used to contact the customer only for the purpose of developing and optimizing customer relations. The TEKNIMED Company is committed to ensuring that any private personal information collected will not be resold.

In accordance with the legal article No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, relating to information technology, files and freedoms; Amended by Act No. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, this site has been the subject of a declaration to the CNIL
In accordance with the provisions of French law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and civil liberties, modified by French Law No. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, this website was subject to a declaration with the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL).
The user has a right to access, modify, correct and delete their personal data.
To exercise this right, contact TEKNIMED by email or postal mail:
12 Rue d’Apollo, 31240 L’Union, France

Limitation of liability

TEKNIMED cannot be held liable by the user or anyone else for any procedure or measure that has been taken based on the information provided on this website or for any indirect, special or similar damage.
The information provided on this website is provided without warranty of any kind (express or implied) as to its accuracy, completeness, timeliness or exhaustiveness. The same is true of implied warranties related to use.
TEKNIMED also reserves the right to suspend or discontinue all or part of the functionality of this website or to modify its content without notice. In addition, TEKNIMED is under no obligation to update this website.

Any reference on this site to a product or service offered by TEKNIMED or any of its subsidiaries does not imply that it is or will be available in your country, where it may be subject to different regulations and conditions of use. This reference does not imply any intention on the part of TEKNIMED or any of its subsidiaries to sell this product or service in your country. Therefore, it is up to you to rely only on product information that has been created specifically for your country.

Links to other websites are provided solely for the convenience of the user of this site. TEKNIMED does not express any opinion as to the content of the pages to which these links refer. TEKNIMED cannot be held liable.

This website uses cookies (files designed to facilitate navigation by recording connection logs). These cookies are used only during the browsing session. They are then automatically deleted as soon as the session is closed. These cookies are not intended for the collection of personal information about the user’s profile or behaviour. Most browsers nevertheless give access to people who refuse to accept these cookies or tags. In most cases, a visitor can refuse to accept them will fully retaining the ability to navigate the site.

Use of the site

The user acknowledges to having read these legal notices and undertakes to comply with them.
TEKNIMED cannot be held liable for direct, special, indirect or punitive damages due to access, use or non-use by users of this website or any website to which it is linked, or any errors or omissions that would affect its content or the presence of viruses on this website.
The user of this website acknowledges having the skills and the means needed to access and use this website, and acknowledges having verified that the computer being used does not have any viruses and that it is in perfect working condition.

© 2018 Teknimed
All rights reserved. Copies, reproduction, transmission, distribution or memorization of part or all of the contents of this site is absolutely forbidden unless with the previous authorisation of Teknimed.
Teknimed reserves the right to undertake legal action against any such violation.
The accuracy, reliability or integrity of the individual site pages are not guaranteed. Teknimed reserves the right to change or finalize the content of this web site at any time.