Project Description

High V

High viscosity spinal bone cement with mixing & injection system

Thanks to its high viscosity HighV+® bone cement is ready to be injected immediately after the transfer into the injection syringe.


  • High viscosity
  • Radiopaque
  • No waiting time
  • Working time = 8min
  • Reduced risk of extra-vertebral leakage


Description Reference
High V+® Spinal Cement System T040321K


Meiyong Wang1,2 and Qunhua Jin3*, High-viscosity bone cement for vertebral compression fractures: a prospective study on intravertebral diffusion and leakage of bone cement, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2020) 21:589,

Dan Bu1 , Xuejun He2, Comparison of different approaches of percutaneous vertebroplasty in the treatment of osteoporotic spinal compression fractures and analysis of influencing factors of re-fracture, Pak J Med Sci January – February 2023 Vol. 39 No. 1, doi: